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Junk Mail/Missing Messages

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Missing Email Messages/Junk Mail Folder

Important: Exchange must be in Cached Mode for the Junk Mail filter to function.

Sometimes an email you expect to receive doesn't arrive. If this happens to you, follow the following steps:

1. Check Your Junk Mail Folder

You now have some control over how your mail is filtered. Office 365 will put suspicious messages into a Junk Mail folder for you to examine. For more information about how your junk mail filter works, visit the links below:

2. Have the Email Re-Sent

Contact the sender and get the email sent to your email address again.

  • Ask the sender if they get a "Failed Delivery" type of message from the previous attempt. 
  • Confirm that the sender is using the correct email address and double-check for misspellings. 

3. Contact User Support Services

Send an email to detailing your issue with as much information as possible. You should include:

  • The sender's email address
  • Whether you have checked your junk mail folder
  • Whether the email has been re-sent
  • Whether the sender receives an error message
    • If possible, include the full error message

Including the above information will help User Support Services troubleshoot your issue and get you a solution as quickly as possible.

Butte College | 3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville CA 95965 | General Information (530) 895-2511

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